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We know...

the importance of being in...


The first step of any conversation is to say hello.

Please fill out the form below and we'll be in touch very soon (usually same day) to get started. Feel free to provide any links or other relevant information to help explain your project.

If you prefer verbal introductions don't hesitate to drop us a line.

Become a Client (or Contact Us)

PixelBit, Inc.

330 Cochituate Rd
Suite 794
Framingham, MA 01701


hello@ pixelbit.com




Phone Number


What Type of Project?

Your Budget


*Tell us more about your project (or reason for contact)

We hate spam too!! We will never sell your name or give your contact info to anyone, for any reason. We only capture the above information for our own internal use in the course of normal business operations. Your personal information is kept strictly confidential.